piątek, 5 stycznia 2024

Aces High - Leonardo Ferrulli


Leonardo Ferrulli started his career during Spanish Civil War while he joined Aviazione Legionaria italian forces supporting general Franco. Than he fought in North Africa and against Malta. He was shot down in 1943 during interception of the Allied bomb mission. 

During Spain intervention he used to fly on Fiat CR.32, rather outdated plane compare to the republican fighters. Despite this he was able to open his victory list in Spain.

My Fiat CR.32 is a 3d printed model from the Planeprinter range. Plane was overall painted in aluminnium like colour except lower surfaces which were black with white stripes.

In our game CR.32 is a typical biplane, slow with high maneouverability and Poor Quality Negative trait. It could be interested option for the Spanish civil war game players (which is my consideration).

The second Ferrulli's fighter was Fiat CR.42 Falco, common italian early war biplane fighter. In terms of game stats it is faster copy of its predecessor: CR.32.

My Fiat CR.42 was a Roc-Works 3d printed model. I decided to paint it with Desert Yellow on upper and Light blue grey on lower surfaces. The italian camo was made with lighter than original colours to reduce contrast and keep model more natural. 

Ferulli's third plane was Macchi Mc.200 Saetta. In my opinion one of the ugliest fighters of the world war 2 (following Caudron CR.714 in this ranking). In our game it is typical italian plane: Poor quality turning fighter, slower than current opponents. 

My Saetta was 3d printed model from Planeprinter range. There is also avilable Warlordgame's range resin option in quite good quality. I'd chosen early war Mc.200 camo: green with yellow dots. To make model more natural I decided to use lighter green (Medium Green 42) than original, painted freehandly dots with Desert Yellow. 

The last Ferrulli's aircraft was Mc.202 Folgore. In contrast to Mc.200 I really like the shape of this fighter. It looks elegant from every angle. Unfortunately in the mid (for italian late) war period this plane was outdated and needed expert pilots to deliver victories. Ferrullis was definietly one of them.

In our game Mc.202 is comparable to ... early war Allied fighters with speed of 7, average maneouverability (2) and limited firepower (1). 


My Folgore came from Planeprinter range and is a 3d printed copy. The upper surfaces were painted with Desert Yellow (with light green dots) while lower one with light blue grey.

All Ferrullli's planes were marked with aces decal set designed by Arek Stamm which are available at his Facebook marketplace

Leonardo Ferrulli in Blood Red Skies is very interesting option for those players who looking for balanced defensive/offensive abilities at med point cost. The Tough ace skill gives opportunity to reject boom chit after the hit. The +1FP bonus makes his plane comparable (in terms of armament) to mid war Allied fighters, while Killer Instinct trait raise player's chances to shoot down enemy plane.


As the Ferrulli is rather hard to kill pilot he can be assigned to the close combat missions and even to head on attacks against heavy armed enemies.

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